Memorandums relative to pictures, china, & furniture, &c, &c, &c [photocopy], 1879.


Memorandums relative to pictures, china, & furniture, &c, &c, &c [photocopy], 1879.

In 1876, Eliza Susan Quincy, Abby Phillips, and Mary Sophia Quincy, great-granddaughters of Josiah Quincy of Braintree, inherited the house he had built in 1770. Eliza Susan compiled this record of household goods in 1879. Not a strict inventory, she used this opportunity to record information about the many pieces of furniture and art in the house. A sample entry reads "the cane furniture in the hall was brought from China 1790, by Capt. James Magee..."; however, she did not say how many pieces nor what types of cane furniture there were (for example, whether chairs or settees). When known, she gave histories of ownership and dates of purchases of the objects in the house. The list is divided by room (west parlor, east parlor, dining room, etc.).

1 folder (68 p. on 35 leaves) ; 35 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7563067

Winterthur Library

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Quincy family. (family)

Quincy, Eliza Susan, 1798-1884 (person)

Eliza Susan Quincy (1798-1884) was the daughter of Josiah Quincy (1772-1864), congressman, Massachusetts state senator, and president of Harvard University. Her great-grandfather was Colonel Josiah Quincy (1710-1784). His fortune was increased when the merchant vessel Bethell, of which he was part owner, captured a Spanish treasure ship. In 1770, he built a large house in that part of Braintree, Massachusetts, which later became Quincy. Eliza Susan and her sisters Abigail Phillips (1803-1893) an...